How Do I Add a Click to Text Button in WordPress?

Adding a click to text button in WordPress is a quick and easy process. All you need is the HTML and CSS code for a button, and the WordPress code for a function to call when the button is clicked.

To add a click to text button in WordPress, first create a new file in your theme or plugin folder and name it “click_to_text.php”. In this file, insert the following HTML code:

Next, add the following CSS code to your click to text.php file:

.button {border:none;background:none;padding:0;}

.button-primary {background:url(“images/primary.png”) no-repeat center center;border-radius:50%;padding:5px;}

When you’re done, you’ll need to add a function to your WordPress theme or plugin to call when the button is clicked. To do this, open your theme or plugin file and locate the functions.

php file. Within this file, add the following code:.

function click_to_text() {

$button = get_button(“click_to_text”);

$text = $button->text;

echo $text;


Finally, add the following line of code to the end of your functions.php file:

add_action(“wp_enqueue_scripts”, “click_to_text”);

That’s all there is to it! When a user clicks the button, the code in click_to_text() will be executed, and the text inside the $text variable will be displayed on the website.