How Do I Add a Category Bar to the Sidebar in WordPress?

Adding a Category Bar to the Sidebar in WordPress is a fairly simple process. Begin by opening the WordPress admin area and navigating to the sidebar.

You will see a tab at the top of the sidebar titled “Categories.” Click on this tab to display the category list.

To add a new category, click on the “Add New” button located to the right of the “Categories” heading. In the “New Category” window that appears, provide a name for the category and click on the “Add” button.

Next, you will need to provide a category description. This text will be displayed in the category list and on the category page.

It is a good idea to provide a concise description of the category, as this will be used by WordPress to generate the category’s front-end template.

To add a new post to the category, click on the “Add New” button located to the right of the “Categories” heading. In the “New Post” window that appears, provide a title for the post and fill in the content area.

The post will be added to the category, and the category will be added to the post’s author list.

Finally, you will need to specify a category taxonomy. This is a list of terms that define the category structure. WordPress will use this taxonomy to determine the post’s category.

To add a new taxonomy, click on the “Add New” button located to the right of the “Categories” heading. In the “New Taxonomy” window that appears, provide a name for the taxonomy and click on the “Add” button.

When you are finished adding categories and posts to the category bar, click on the “Close” button located to the right of the “Categories” heading.

Now that you have added a category bar to the sidebar, you will want to configure it to your preferences. To do this, navigate to the “Appearance” menu item and select the “Sidebar” tab.

In the “Sidebar Options” window that appears, you will want to select the “Category” check box. This will add a category list to the sidebar, and it will use the category taxonomy you specified when you added the category bar.

You can also specify a different layout for the category list. To do this, click on the “Layout” button and select one of the available options.

Finally, you will want to specify a title for the category bar. To do this, click on the “Title” button and enter a title for the category bar.

When you are finished configuring the category bar, click on the “OK” button to save the changes.

Now that you have added a category bar to the sidebar, you will want to add posts to it. To do this, click on the “Add New” button located to the right of the “Categories” heading.

In the “New Post” window that appears, provide a title for the post and fill in the content area. The post will be added to the category, and the category will be added to the post’s author list.

Finally, you will want to specify a category taxonomy.

When you are finished adding posts to the category bar, click on the “Close” button located to the right of the “Categories” heading.

Now that you have added posts to the category bar, you will want to configure it to your preferences.

Now that you have added posts to the category bar, you will want to find and add a post to it. To do this, click on the.