How Do I Add a Calculated Field in WordPress?

Adding a calculated field in WordPress is easy. First, you need to create a new field in the WordPress admin area. You can do this by clicking on the “Add New” button on the Fields tab of the WordPress admin area, or by entering the following code into the WordPress admin area:

add_field(‘field_name’, ‘function_name_here’);

Next, you need to define the function that will be used to calculate the field’s values. This function should take two arguments: the field’s name (field_name) and the value that the field should calculate (the value you want to input into the field).

For example, the following function will calculate the value of the field named “field_name” based on the value that is input into the “value” argument.

function calculate_field_value(field_name, value) { }

Finally, you need to register the function with the WordPress admin area. To do this, you need to add the function to the Functions section of the WordPress admin area, and then you need to specify the name of the function (also called the “function name”).

The following code will add the function that was defined in the previous example to the Functions section of the WordPress admin area.

add_function(‘calculate_field_value’, ‘calculate_field_value’);

The final step is to add the value that the function should calculate to the “value” argument of the add_field() function. To do this, you can use the wp_enqueue_script() function to add the function to the WordPress script area.

The following code will add the function that was defined in the previous example to the WordPress script area.


Now, when you enter the value of the “field_name” field in the WordPress admin area, the function will calculate the value based on the value that is input into the “value” argument.