How Do I Add a Block Within a WordPress Block?

If you want to add a block within a WordPress block, you’ll first need to create a new block. To do this, go to your WordPress dashboard and under “Blocks” click on the “Add New Block” button.

In the “Name” field, type “Block Editor” and in the “Description” field, type a brief description of what this block will do. Click on the “Create” button to create your new block.

Once your new block has been created, you’ll need to add a new content area. To do this, click on the “Add New Content” button and in the “Block Editor” block, enter the following code:

This will create a new content area that we can use to add our block. Now, we need to add our block within this content area.

To do this, click on the “Insert” button and select the “Block” option. In the “Block Name” field, enter “My Block” and in the “Content” field, enter the following code:.

My Block

This will create a simple block that we can use to display our content. Now, we just need to add our content and we’re done! To add your content, simply enter the text that you want to appear within the block and click on the “Update” button.


Adding a block within a WordPress block is easy enough, but be sure to keep things simple and use simple code so that everyone can understand what you’re doing.