How Do I Add 360 Panorama to WordPress?

360 Panorama is a great way to capture a 360 degree view of your surroundings. You can add it to your WordPress site using the WP360 plugin.

To add 360 Panorama to your WordPress site, follow these steps:

1. Download and install the WP360 plugin.

2. Activate the plugin by clicking the activation link in the plugin’s settings.

3. Click the Add New Item button and select the WP360 360 Panorama option.

4. Enter the URL of the 360 Panorama you want to add to your site.

5. Click the Save button.

6. Your 360 Panorama is now added to your WordPress site.

Click the thumbnail to view it in fullscreen mode.

7. To remove the 360 Panorama from your WordPress site,click the X next to the thumbnail.

8. Click the Conclusion tab to see how to add 360 Panorama to your WordPress site and what other features the WP360 plugin offers.