How Can I Tell What Version of WordPress a Site Is Using?

WordPress is a content management system (CMS) that enables you to create a website or blog from scratch, or to improve an existing website. You can choose to use the free WordPress.

org version, or pay for a premium version.

To determine which version of WordPress your site is using, you can use the following methods:

1. Check the website’s header.

If your website has a header, you can find the version of WordPress in the header. The header includes the WordPress version, the site’s hostname (for example, www., and the site’s theme.

2. Check the website’s URL.

If your website doesn’t have a header, or you can’t find the version of WordPress in the header, you can find the version of WordPress by looking at the website’s URL. The URL includes the website’s hostname and the site’s theme.

3. Check the website’s content.

If you don’t have either of the two previous methods, you can check the website’s content for the version of WordPress. You can do this by opening the website in a web browser and looking for the WordPress logo.

The WordPress logo includes the WordPress version, the site’s hostname, and the site’s theme.