How Can I Learn WordPress for Free for Beginners?

If you’re looking to start using WordPress but don’t want to spend a lot of money on learning materials or courses, there are a few things you can do to get started for free.

First, you can use a WordPress tutorial site like WPMU DEV. This site has a lot of beginner-friendly tutorials that will teach you the basics of WordPress.

Another option is to watch free WordPress training videos on YouTube. There are a lot of great resources available for free, so you can find something that fits your learning style and interests.

Once you have a basic understanding of WordPress, you can start investing in learning materials and courses. These resources will teach you more about using WordPress and customize it to meet your specific needs.

Overall, there are a few free resources available to help you start learning WordPress. Whether you want to learn by watching videos or reading tutorials, there is something available to help you get started.

Once you have a basic understanding, you can start investing in learning materials and courses to get more advanced.