Does WordPress Count Post Views?

As WordPress grows and evolves, the way it tracks website traffic becomes more complicated. Posts, pages, categories, tags, and other features all play a role in how WordPress measures website traffic.

So does WordPress count post views?

Yes, WordPress does count post views. In fact, WordPress counts post views even if a post is deleted.

WordPress also counts post views for posts that are unpublished.

WordPress also tracks how long people spend on a post. So, if someone reads a post but never leaves a comment, WordPress still counts that post as a view.

Finally, WordPress counts post views even if a post is shared but not liked. WordPress counts shared posts as views even if no one comments on them.

All of these counting factors can lead to different totals for a website. For example, if a website has 1,000 post views, but half of those views are from shared posts, the website would only count 500 views as its total post views.

So, while WordPress does count post views, it’s important to keep track of all the different counting factors in order to accurately measure website traffic.