Does My WordPress Site Use Cookies?

WordPress is a popular content management system (CMS) used to create and manage websites. It is open source software released under the GPL license. WordPress makes use of cookies to store user preferences and track visits to the site. Cookies are small files that are placed on the user’s computer when they visit a website.

WordPress does not use any third-party cookies. The cookies used by WordPress are stored in the WordPress database and are used to track the number of visits to the site, the pages visited, the time spent on the site, and the type of browser used. WordPress does not use cookies to track the identity of the user. WordPress does not use cookies to gather any personally identifiable information.

While cookies do have some benefits, they can also have drawbacks. Cookies can slow down a website, and they can also be used to track the activities of the user.

Users who do not want their activities tracked by cookies may want to disable cookies on their WordPress site. Users who want to be able to access all their site’s content without having to remember log-in information can use a password authentication system.