Does GoDaddy Automatically Backup WordPress Site?

As website owners, we all want our sites to be as safe and secure as possible. That includes backing up our websites and content on a regular basis.

Do GoDaddy Automatically Backup WordPress Site?

The short answer is no, GoDaddy does not automatically back up your WordPress site. You will need to take steps to backup your WordPress site and content on a regular basis yourself.

Why You Should Back Up Your WordPress Site

There are a few reasons why you should back up your WordPress site and content on a regular basis. First, if your site is compromised or suffers a data loss event, you can restore your site to its previous state using a backup.

Second, backUPS can provide you with an archive of your site in the event that you need to revert to an older version of WordPress or make changes to your site’s code.

BackUPS can also help you keep track of changes to your site. If you ever make a change to your WordPress site that you don’t want to lose, you can back up your site and revert to the previous version of your WordPress code.

Finally, backUPS can help you protect your site from future data loss events. If you have a site that is regularly updated with new content, a backup can help you restore your site if something goes wrong and your site’s data is lost.

How to Back Up Your WordPress Site

There are a few different ways that you can back up your WordPress site. You can use a backup plugin, create a backup file, or use a backup service.

The easiest way to backup your WordPress site is to use a backup plugin. These plugins automatically create a backup of your site every day or every week, depending on the settings that you choose.

Alternatively, you can create a backup file. This file contains a copy of your WordPress site as it is currently configured.

You can use this file to restore your site if something goes wrong or to share your site with others.

Finally, you can use a backup service to back up your WordPress site. These services offer a variety of backup options, including daily, weekly, and monthly backUPS.

They also offer the ability to restore your site to a previous state.


BackUPS are an important part of website safety. You should backup your WordPress site on a regular basis to protect your site and content from data loss events.