Do You Have to Have a WordPress Account to Follow a Blog?

When you sign up for a blog account, WordPress will create a new blog for you with a fresh, empty blog post. All you need to do is enter your blog’s name and start writing! You don’t need an account with WordPress to follow a blog, but if you want to be able to edit your blog posts, you’ll need an account with WordPress.

Some bloggers choose to use a third-party service like Hootsuite to manage their blog posts and track their social media updates. This way, they don’t have to have a WordPress account and can still follow their blog with a simple web browser.

However, this approach does require a bit more work on the blogger’s part since they’ll need to set up Hootsuite and manage their blog posts and social media updates separately.

Ultimately, it’s up to the blogger to decide whether or not they want to have a WordPress account and follow their blog. Some bloggers prefer to keep their blog posts and social media updates separate, while others find it easier to manage everything in one place.

If you’re new to blogging, it’s a good idea to start with a WordPress blog and see how you like it before deciding if you need to create an account with WordPress.