Can You Remove Header From One Page in WordPress?

Header removal is a common task that WordPress users face on a daily basis. For example, you might want to remove the header from one of your pages so that it looks like a standalone post instead of an introductory page.

To remove the header from a page in WordPress, follow these steps:

1. Open the page in your browser.

2. Click the header (the text that says “This is the header for .”) and drag it to the left or right.

3. Release the mouse button when you reach the edge of the header.

4. The header should now be detached from the page.

5. Click the header to open the Edit Header page.

6. Click the Remove from Page button.

7. The header should now be gone from the page.

8. Click the Save Page button to save your changes.

9. Click the Publish button to publish your page.

10. If you want to revert your changes, click the Revert button and then click Save Page.

Header removal is a common task that WordPress users face on a daily basis. To remove the header from a page in WordPress, follow these steps:.