Can You Make a Password Protected Page on WordPress?

Making a password protected page on WordPress is not difficult, but it does require a few steps. First, you will need to create a new page in your WordPress site.

You can do this by going to the Pages menu in your WordPress site, and selecting New Page.

Once you have created the new page, you will need to enter the following information into the page’s settings:

Name: passwordprotected

Page Type: Page

Description: This is a password protected page.

You will also need to add a password to the page. You can do this by going to the Settings menu in your WordPress site, and selecting General:

You will then need to enter the password into the “Password” field, and click the “Update” button.

Finally, you will need to add a security code to the page. You can do this by going to the Settings menu in your WordPress site, and selecting Security:

You will then need to enter the security code into the “Security Code” field, and click the “Update” button.

Now that you have created the password protected page, you will need to ensure that the page is protected using a password. You can do this by going to the Pages menu in your WordPress site, and selecting Protect Page:

You will then need to enter the password that you entered into the page’s settings into the “Page Password” field, and click the “Update” button.

Now that the page is protected using a password, you will need to ensure that the page is accessible only by users who know the password. You can do this by going to the Settings menu in your WordPress site, and selecting Security:

You will then need to select the “Require Login” check box, and enter the password that you entered into the page’s settings into the “Login Required” field.

Now that the page is protected using a password, and is accessible only by users who know the password, you are ready to conclude this article about – Can You Make a Password Protected Page on WordPress?

Yes, you can make a password protected page on WordPress.