Can You Duplicate a Page in WordPress Without Plugin?

Duplicating a Page in WordPress Without Plugin

WordPress is a popular content management system (CMS) used by millions of people around the world. It allows users to create a website from scratch, or to improve an existing website.

Duplicating a page in WordPress is a simple process that can be done without using a plugin.

To duplicate a page in WordPress, follow these steps:

1. Log into your WordPress site.

2. Click on the Pages tab.

3. Click on the page you want to duplicate.

4. On the right-hand side, click on the Copy Page button.

5. Paste the copied page into a new document.

6. Update the copied page as needed.

7. Save the document.

8. Publish the document.

9. Enjoy your duplicated page!

Duplicating a page in WordPress is a simple process that can be done without using a plugin. This process can be used to create a copy of any page on your WordPress site.

Once the page has been duplicated, it can be updated as needed and published to the website.