Can You Change WordPress Url Https?

URLs are important for identifying a website. When people type in a URL, they want to be able to easily find what they’re looking for.

URLs can be long and difficult to remember, so it’s important to make sure they’re easy to remember and type. .

There are a few ways to make URLs easier to remember and type. One way is to make them shorter. WordPress provides a way to make URLs shorter by using https:// instead of http://. You can also make your URLs shorter by using the slug format.

Slugs are short, easy-to-remember names for your pages. You can use slugs to make your URLs shorter, as well as to make them more searchable.

You can also make your URLs easier to remember and type by using a custom domain. A custom domain is a domain name that you own and can use to identify your website.

You can use a custom domain to make your URLs shorter, as well as to make them more searchable. You can also use a custom domain to make your website more unique.

When you make your URLs shorter, easier to remember, and use a custom domain, your website will be more easily found by people.