Can You Change Templates on WordPress?

Yes, you can change templates on WordPress. This can be a great way to customize your site’s look and feel, or to use a different template that better suits your needs.

To change a template on WordPress, first open the theme you want to use. Then, click the “Themes” menu item in the admin area.

From here, click the “Templates” tab.

Next, click the “Add New” button. This will open the “Template Editor” screen.

On the “Template Editor” screen, you will see a list of available templates. To use a different template, first select it from the list.

Then, click the “Choose File” button.

Browse to the template file you want to use, and click the “Open” button.

Once the template file has been opened, you will see the template’s main content area. To change the template’s content, click the “Content” button.

This will open the template’s content editor.

On the “Content” screen, you will see the template’s main content area. To change the template’s content, click the “Text” button.

This will open the template’s text editor.

Next, you will need to adjust the template’s content. To do this, you will need to enter the template’s content in the template’s content editor.

Once the template’s content has been adjusted, you will need to click the “Save” button.

Finally, you will need to click the “Activate” button to activate the new template. This will change the site’s default template.