Can You Build a WordPress Site With React?

React is a View Framework for building user interfaces. It allows developers to create reusable components that can be assembled to create complex UIs.

React is a popular choice for building user interfaces for web applications, and it is used by many popular sites, such as Facebook and Instagram.

One of the benefits of using React is that it is easy to learn. React is a JavaScript library, so developers who are familiar with that language can quickly learn how to use it.

React is also relatively lightweight, so it doesn’t require a lot of resources to run on a web server.

React is a popular choice for building user interfaces because it is easy to learn and it is lightweight. React also allows developers to create reusable components, which can be assembled to create complex UIs.

React is used by many popular sites, such as Facebook and Instagram, and it is likely that it will continue to be a popular choice for building user interfaces in the future.