Can You Add MP4 to WordPress?

Adding MPEG-4 videos to WordPress is a breeze. All you need is a plugin and a little know-how.

There are several plugins available that make adding MPEG-4 videos to your WordPress site a breeze. Once you have installed the plugin and added the videos, you will be able to embed them into your posts and pages, as well as create custom menus and galleries.

To embed a MPEG-4 video in your WordPress post or page, first click on the Media Library link in the Edit Posts or Pages menu. This will open the Media Library page, where you can select the videos you want to embed.

To embed a video on a post or page, simply drag and drop the video file into the Media Library panel.

Once you have added the video, you can choose to embed it as part of the post or page content, or create a custom menu item or gallery. You can also create custom meta data for the video, such as a Title, Description, and Keywords.

If you want to create a custom menu item or gallery, you first need to create a custom menu. To do this, click on the Menus tab in the WordPress Admin Panel, and then click on the Add New Menu Item button.

This will open the Add New Menu Item window, where you can enter the details of the menu item.

To create a custom gallery, first click on the Galleries tab in the WordPress Admin Panel, and then click on the Add New Gallery button. This will open the Add New Gallery window, where you can enter the details of the gallery.

You can also add a title, description, and keywords to the gallery.

Once you have added the video and menu items, you can preview them in the WordPress Administration Panel. You can also add a rating and comments to the videos, and share them on social media or other websites.

So adding MPEG-4 videos to your WordPress site is easy – just install a plugin and follow the instructions. You can also create custom menus and galleries, and share the videos on social media or other websites.