Can You Add Links to WordPress?

Adding links to WordPress can be a great way to provide extra information for your readers. When you add a link to a post or page, WordPress will display the full URL in the post or page’s footer.

You can also add a link to a specific paragraph or section of your post or page.

Adding a link to a post is simple. Just type the link in the post’s comments field, and WordPress will automatically include the link in the post.

Adding a link to a page is a little more involved. You first need to create a link template. This template will contain the link text, as well as the URL for the page or post it will link to. To create a link template, click the “Edit” button next to the page’s title in the WordPress admin area.

Next, click the “Text” tab, and then enter the link text into the “Link Text” field. You can also add the URL for the page or post it will link to in the “URL” field.

To add a link to a specific paragraph or section of a post, you first need to identify the paragraph or section. To do this, click the “Edit” button next to the paragraph or section in the WordPress admin area.

Next, click the “Text” tab, and then enter the paragraph or section’s title into the “Title” field. You can also add the URL for the paragraph or section it will link to in the “URL” field.

Once you have created the link template and identified the paragraph or section, you can add the link by clicking the “Insert” button next to the “Link Text” field. Next, enter the link text into the “Link” field, and enter the URL for the paragraph or section it will link to in the “Target” field.

Finally, click the “Insert” button next to the “Target” field, and enter the URL for the post or page it will link to in the “Link URL” field. WordPress will automatically include the link in the post or page’s footer.