Can You Add Google Analytics to WordPress?

Beginning in version 3.5 of WordPress, it is possible to add Google Analytics tracking to your blog.

This integration provides valuable information about your readership, including where they are coming from, what pages they are visiting, and what words and phrases are being searched for.

While this feature is not free, it does have a nominal fee, and it is easy to set up. In fact, you can even add Analytics tracking to your blog using a simple plugin.

If you’re not sure how to go about adding Google Analytics to your blog, or if you want to learn more about the benefits of this integration, be sure to check out our comprehensive guide.

Ultimately, adding Google Analytics to your blog can provide you with valuable data that can help you to improve your blog content and marketing efforts. So if you’re interested in taking advantage of this powerful tool, be sure to contact our team at Proven SEO to get started.