Can We Make PWA Using WordPress?

As the popularity of Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) continues to grow, so too does the need for developers to be able to build them using WordPress. In this article, we’ll explore how to build a PWA using WordPress, and provide a conclusion about whether or not this is a viable approach.

Before we get started, it’s important to note that while WordPress can be used to build PWAs, it’s not the only platform that can be used. Other popular options include React and Vue.

js. Additionally, if you’re looking to build a PWA that can be distributed through the web, then you’ll need to consider using a platform like Appcelerator or React Native.

When it comes to building a PWA using WordPress, the first step is to create a new project. To do this, navigate to the WordPress admin panel and click on the “New Project” button.

In the window that pops up, enter “PWA” in the “Project Name” field and click on the “Create Project” button.

Once the project has been created, the next step is to install the required WordPress plugins. To do this, click on the “Plugins” button located in the main toolbar and click on the “Install Plugin” button.

This will open the Install Plugin Wizard. On the first page of the wizard, select the “WP-PWA” plugin and click on the “Install” button.

Once the WP-PWA plugin has been installed, the next step is to create a new file called “index.html”.

This file will serve as the main page of the PWA. To do this, open a new file in your favorite editor and enter the following code:.


Once the file has been created, it’s time to add the code that will create the PWA. To do this, open the file called “wp-pwa.php” and enter the following code:


$pwa->on(‘ready’, function() {

// Code to display the PWA



Once the code has been added, it’s time to create the file that will serve as the PWA’s manifest. To do this, open the file called “manifest.json” and enter the following code:


“name”: “PWA with WordPress”,

“short_name”: “wpwa”,

“version”: “1.0”,

“description”: “This is a PWA with WordPress”,

“main_page”: “index.html”,

“background_image”: “https://cdn.


“background_color”: “#fff”,

“theme_color”: “#000″,

“icons”: [




“scripts”: [

