Can I Use Affiliate Links on Free WordPress?

The answer to this question largely depends on your WordPress blog’s specific setup and the affiliate programs you use. Generally, affiliate links on WordPress blogs are allowed, as long as you are clear about who the affiliate is and what the link does.

If you are using a self-hosted WordPress blog, then you are in the clear. If, however, you are using, then there may be some restrictions. For example, WordPress.

com does not allow affiliate links to be placed within the content of posts, only in the footer. Additionally, you may need to get written permission from if you want to place affiliate links on your site’s blog sidebar.

Ultimately, it is up to the affiliate program you are using and the WordPress blog’s specific setup to determine whether or not affiliate links are allowed. However, as long as you are clear about who the affiliate is and what the link does, affiliate links should be just fine on a WordPress blog.