Can I Run WordPress on AWS Free Tier?

In this article, we will be discussing whether or not you can run WordPress on the AWS Free Tier. We will be discussing the various limitations of running WordPress on AWS Free Tier, and whether or not it is a viable option for you.

First, it should be noted that WordPress is not officially supported on the AWS Free Tier. This means that there are certain limitations in place that may affect your ability to run and maintain your WordPress site.

For example, the Free Tier only provides limited storage and CPU resources, and you may experience issues running complex plugins or themes. Additionally, certain security features may not be available on the Free Tier.

Overall, while it is possible to run WordPress on the AWS Free Tier, there are some significant limitations that should be taken into account. If you are considering running a WordPress site on AWS Free Tier, it is important to ensure that you are aware of these limitations beforehand.