Can I Have Multiple Themes on WordPress?

Theme development on WordPress is a process that can be broken down into two distinct tasks: designing the theme and coding the theme. Both tasks have their own set of challenges and limitations.

Designing a theme on WordPress typically involves coming up with an idea for a theme, designing the theme’s layout and assets, and then coding the theme to work on WordPress. This process can be time-consuming and difficult, and it can be difficult to create a theme that is both well-designed and functional.

Coding a theme on WordPress is a process that involves creating a custom WordPress theme codebase, writing code to control the theme’s layout and assets, and then testing the code to make sure it works properly. This process can be time-consuming and difficult, and it can be difficult to create a theme that is both well-coded and functional.

Both design and coding a WordPress theme can be a challenging process. However, it is possible to create multiple themes on WordPress.

This is possible thanks to the theme customizer, which allows theme developers to create and customise templates to create new themes. This allows theme developers to create a variety of different themes, each with its own unique design and functionality.