Can I Embed Instagram Post on WordPress?

Instagram is a popular photo and video sharing application with over 1 billion active users. It’s available on both desktop and mobile devices.

Because of this, Instagram posts can be embedded on websites and blogs easily.

To embed an Instagram post:

1. Open the Instagram app on your mobile device.

2. On the main screen, tap the profile icon in the top left corner.

3. Tap the Posts link in the top right corner.

4. Scroll down and tap the post you want to embed.

5. Tap the Embed button in the top left corner.

6. In the dialog box that appears, tap the Share button.

7. In the Share dialog box that appears, tap the Instagram post you want to embed.

8. Tap the Embed button.

9. In the dialog box that appears, tap the Copy button.

10. Paste the Instagram post’s URL into the address bar of your web browser.

11. Click the Go button.

12. The Instagram post will appear in your web browser.

13. Congratulations! You’ve embedded an Instagram post on your WordPress site.