Can I Change My Site Address on WordPress?

If you want to change the site address on your WordPress blog, there are a few methods you can use. The most common way to change your site address is to use the Site Address field in the WordPress admin area. You can also use the wp-config.

php file to change your site address. Finally, you can use a domain name registrar to change your site address.

The Site Address field in the WordPress admin area allows you to enter your site’s new address. To use this method, first make sure that your WordPress blog is installed and activated on a website hosting account. Then, open the WordPress admin area and click on the Settings tab. In the Settings tab, under the Site Address section, you will see a field for entering your site’s new address.php file to change your site address. Then, open the WordPress admin area and click on the File tab.

In the File tab, under the Settings tab, you will see a field for entering your site’s new address. In the File tab, under the Settings tab, you will see a field for entering your site’s new address.