Can I Add Footnotes in WordPress?

Adding footnotes in WordPress is a simple process. Open the post you want to add the footnotes to, and locate the editing screen for the text.

On the editing screen, locate the “Footnotes” tab. Click on the “Footnotes” tab to open the footnote editor.

To add a footnote, first locate the footnote marker in your text. This marker can be found in a few different places in WordPress, but most commonly it will be located at the end of a sentence.

Once you have located the footnote marker, click on it to open the footnote editor.

In the footnote editor, you will need to provide some basic information about the footnote. This information includes the title of the footnote, the author of the footnote, the page number on which the footnote appears, and the excerpt from the source that the footnote is referencing.

Once you have filled out the information in the footnote editor, click on the “Add Footnote” button to add the footnote to your post. The footnote will be added to the end of the text on which it is placed, and the footnote marker will be reset to the beginning of the next sentence.