Can I Add Database to WordPress?

Database integration is one of the more sophisticated features that WordPress can offer. It can be a bit daunting to get started, but with a bit of effort, it’s easy to add a database to your WordPress site.

To get started, you’ll need to create a database connection in your WordPress site’s settings. This can be done by going to the “WordPress Settings” screen and clicking on the “Databases” tab.

From here, you’ll need to add a new database connection.

Once you’ve created the connection, you’ll need to add a new database table to your WordPress site. To do this, go to the “WordPress Settings” screen and click on the “Databases” tab.

From here, you’ll need to click on the “Add New” button and then enter the name of your new table.

Next, you’ll need to add a new column to your table.

From here, you’ll need to click on the “Add New” button and then enter the name of your new column.

Finally, you’ll need to add a new row to your table.

From here, you’ll need to click on the “Add New” button and then enter the data for your new row.

Now that you’ve added the necessary data to your table, you’ll need to activate it in your WordPress site.

From here, you’ll need to click on the “Activate” button and then enter the credentials for your new database connection.

Finally, you’ll need to add a new post or page to your WordPress site. To do this, go to the “Posts” screen and click on the “Add New” button.

From here, you’ll need to enter the data for your new post or page.

Once you’ve added your new post or page, you’ll need to click on the “Publish” button to publish it to your site.

Overall, adding a database to your WordPress site is a relatively straightforward process. However, it can be a bit confusing at first.

If you have any questions about how to add a database to your WordPress site, feel free to contact us at