Are All WordPress Themes Mobile Responsive?

In short, no – not all WordPress themes are mobile responsive. However, there are a growing number of themes that are designed with a mobile-first approach, meaning that they are designed to look and function optimally on mobile devices.

If you are looking for a WordPress theme that is specifically designed to be mobile responsive, there are a few options available. Some of the more popular options include Thesis and Twenty Fifteen.

Both of these themes are designed with a fluid grid system that makes them look great on all types of devices.

However, not all WordPress themes are designed with a mobile-first approach. If you are looking for a theme that will work well on both desktop and mobile devices, there are a few options available. One option is Divi.

This theme is designed to be responsive, but it does not have a fluid grid system. Instead, it uses a fixed width design that works well on desktop and mobile devices.

Overall, it is safe to say that all WordPress themes are mobile responsive to some degree. However, it is important to consider the specific requirements of the theme that you are using before making a purchase.

If you are looking for a WordPress theme that is specifically designed for mobile devices, the options available are limited, but quality options do exist.