What Does It Mean to Publish a Page in WordPress?

When you publish a page in WordPress, you’re telling the WordPress system that you want to make the page available to the public. This makes the page available to anyone who visits your site, and it also makes the page available to anyone who can manage WordPress sites.

When you publish a page, you also choose a publishing format for the page. The most common formats are HTML, PDF, and WordPress posts.

WordPress posts are the simplest format, and they’re the format that you’ll use most often.

When you publish a page, you also give the page a title and a description. The title is the title that you’ll see in the title bar of your browser, and the description is the text that you’ll see in the page’s editor.

Finally, when you publish a page, you choose a category for the page. WordPress uses categories to help you group pages together.

The more categories that you add to a page, the more organized the page will be.

When you publish a page, you’re telling the WordPress system that you want the page to be available to the public.